Saturday, November 26, 2005

CCS week

This week literally rocks! I attended two of the concerts/gigs prepared for the CCS week. One was during Ubreak in Gox lobby and the other was last night on the 6th floor of the sports complex. I actually discovered the Ubreak event by accident. We were suppose to meet for our introse project in gox. When we arrived there, some instruments were set up at the center of the lobby. I asked around and found out that Cueshe's playing. We finished our meeting early so I decided to stay and watch. I have to say, CUESHE ROCKS! I was seated in front and we took a lot of pics. Click here to view pics. After the show, we even had the chance to take pics with the band members! They were all friendly and approachable. This is one of my coolest days ever. Yesterday was also a blast! Though it started out one hour late and the first segments were boring, the event was generally okay. Imago set the mood. The lead singer was very hyper so the audience too jumped and moved with the beat. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take pictures with them!! sayang! After Imago, Spongecola performed. I got the chance to sneak in the backstage to have a pic with the lead singer, Yael. Astig!! I was suppose to take pictures with the rest of the band but my friends wanted to go so I just followed. Now I'm a bit regretting... haha! Anyway, I had a fun week. Here are pics from yesterday. It's a bit relieving since last week was like hell. :) thanks God for the break.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Hell Week

Two Reasons why I haven't been updating my blog:
1. I lost my internet connection for three days.
2. I have tons of projects and have no more time for blogging.

This week has been one of my worst. It's a clash between my personal and academic life. We have to finish two projects and there has been a lot of misunderstandings and conflicts between groupmates. We're pressured, stressed, tired, frustrated and we lack sleep. People have become irritable and bitter. We had a hard time working together the whole week. We have no cooperation so we didn't completely finish our project. Yesterday was our deadline and everything went wrong. We cut all our subjects just to finish our project then the printer jammed, the CD burner won't work and the student's nook ran out of brown envelope! Argh..
Anyway, things turned out okay after. We were able to pass the project on time and the day went on normally. :) Thank God for His guidance in times like this.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Anger Management

Argh! I wanna scream out load. Shout out my anger! I don't like this day. I don't want to elaborate the details on today's events beacuse I don't think it would be proper. I just want to release my anger. I just want to hit something! I need to hit something! grrrrrrr!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Trick or Treat

I won't let allergies spoil me all the fun! I've been trick or treating since I was a child so despite the allergies I still went to my grandma's house to trick or treat. Though I didn't walk that much, I still had fun giving away candies. I love watching kids in costumes running around the village, looking for treats. Their smiles are contagious. I can't help feeling happy! This year's best costume goes to a person dressed up as a 70's disco queen. She's wearing a pink puffy wig, big sunglasses, a long-sleeved polo shirt accessorized with long colorful necklaces, maong mini skirt and platform shoes. I loved the whole outfit especially the pink puffy wig! This is what I love about halloween- we get to dress up and put sticker tatoos all over, we go around the village collecting candies and junk foods. It's really a nice sight- colorful costumes, decorated houses, the sound of laughter and music. When night falls, we go back to my grandma's house and eat dinner. It's usually spagetti with barbeque or chicken. This year we had spagetti with KFC chicken. After dinner, my cousins and I will spread out the treats we collected, chat while eating and comparing each other's treats. Haha!