Sunday, July 30, 2006

Next Thing You Know

by Matthew West

I remember when I was thirteen
I saw a picture on my T.V. screen
The Reverend Billy Graham and the people singing "Just As I Am"
And it felt like You were talking to me
And the whole world seemed to fade away
Until I heard my mother say "Son, are you okay? Do you wanna pray?"
And that became the hour I first believed

Next thing you know
I'm high and flyin'
Next thing you know
My heart is in your hands
Next thing you know
There's no denyin'
Next thing you know
I'm a brand new man

Well, I wish I could say I always stayed right there
And I did until my freshman year
But the world was pulling me a long way from thirteen
And You were calling but I didn't hear
Still I knew there was something more
So, one day my knees hit the dorm room floor
I said, "If you're there, and if you really care,
Come and talk to me like I was thirteen."

Got a picture in my head today of how heaven might look someday
I see the people there, so I pull up a chair
And their stories, they blow me away
'Cause I can see it on every face
The evidence of grace
And as I listen it occurs to me
Everybody's got their own thirteen

So, what's your story about His glory?
You gotta find your place in the history of grace
Yeah, what's your story about His glory?
Come on and find your place in the history of grace

Behind the Song:
"My dad always told me that the day you find God is a day you always remember. This song is my day, my story— my “thirteen.” I saw Billy Graham preaching on television, and felt this undeniable tugging at my heart. God’s presence was so strong that I couldn’t turn the channel. Well, “next thing you know” I was giving my life to Him, and that was where my journey of faith began. Everyone can have a story. Part of knowing where you’re going is remembering where you’ve come from. If you already know God as your personal Savior, then try to remember the moment that you made a change in your life. Hold on to that memory like a picture in your pocket, because that was a history-making day in your life! If you haven’t made that decision yet, it’s not too late. This is the most important decision anyone can make in life, and it will shape the rest of your history. So, what’s your story?" - Matthew West

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Praise and Worship

(Note from the Author: These are some things I got during July 7's celgroup meeting by Jonathan Beltran)

1. We should praise God.
"Let the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands."(Psalm 19:1, NIV)
"Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him."(Psalm 33:1, NIV)

2. We should praise God at all times.
"I will extol the Lord at all times." (Psalm 34:1)

3. Praise is about the heart.
"I will praise you with all my heart." (Psalm 9:1)
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, all my inmost being, praise His holy name." (Psalm 103:1)

Praising is more than singing. More than chants, sounds and movements It's more than just phsysically present in church. It's about our inmost being. Our heart.

When confronted with this question, what would you answer?
"Did you get anything from the service?"

Two possible answers:
1. "Yes, the pastor delivered the message very well."
2. "No. The message was a bit dry..."

Most people church hop because they always expect to receive something from the worship service. If the pastor is boring or the message is not that good, they would go find a "better" church.

But going to church isn't about receiving. When we go to church, we cannot simply take. We should be the one giving to God. Worship God. We may leave church not receiving much but what's important is what we gave God.

Psalm 96:8 says, "Ascribe the Lord the glory due His name. Bring an offering and come into his courts."

You cannot go to a birthday party without brining a gift. You cannot attend a wedding without giving a gift. You cannot come to worship without giving something to God. You can give your praises, your offering and tithes, your worries, your problems, your talents in singing, dancing, give everything you can to God. But remember that Praise and Worship is about the heart. If our hearts are not right, if our motives are wrong then our praises and worship are meaningless.

Psalm 24:4 says, "He who has clean hands and pure heart may come to the presence of the Lord."

I seriously thought of transfering churches almost a year ago when I first attended my mom's church. I could see their youth are so on fire for God. They are so passionate about God. They dance, they shout their praises to God and I joined them in singing, jumping and raising my hands during worship. For the first time, I really felt I was praising God. I felt what it was like celebrating with God.

I questioned my church...
What's wrong with our church?
Why are our actions controlled?
Why can't we dance during praise and worship?
What's wrong with dancing if that's our way of praising the Lord?
Why are we so conservative?
Why is our youth so passive?
We are an evangelical church but why aren't we evangelizing?

But then I realized that the people - WE are the church. The church is like that because of us. If we want to change the church, make it more productive, then it should come from us. As I reflected about the message during our celgroup meeting, I thought that the speaker was right. I was always thinking of what I got from the service when it was what God got from the service I should be thinking about. I realized that I was wrong to think of transfering churches. My church has given me so much. It was where I really grew spiritually. I can't just leave just because I feel that its boring. God put me in my church for a purpose. Maybe my church needs me more than my mom's church. Wherever I can be of service, it will be my pleasure Lord. =D