Monday, December 18, 2006

How I First Believed

I basically grew up in a Christian family. My first songs were "Jesus loves the little children" and "Jesus loves me". I studied pre-school in Learning Lab where I learned how to pray, sing songs and look at picture books which showed images of Jesus telling stories, helping the poor and performing miracles. I was literally fed and led by God's Word.

But that's not why I am a Christian. Being raised as a Christian doesn't make me a Christian. When I entered Jubilee Christian Academy, God continued leading me in my spiritual walk through the school's annual Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS) . I remembered accepting Jesus in my life during elementary. I don't exactly remember what date was that but I remember the theme of the DVBS that time. It was Hooked on Jesus. My counselors asked me a question that made a BIG impact in my life.
If God asked you, "Why should I let you in Heaven?" What would you answer?

I was speechless... I asked myself what have I done to deserve to go to Heaven?

My counselors explained to me what God has done for me through a bracelet. The bracelet had five fish charms with five different colors:

represents heaven

because we are in sin, we cannot enter heaven.

Jesus came down from heaven and shed his blood for us in order to save us.

And if we acknowledge that we are sinners and accept Jesus in our lives because we realize that we cannot save ourselves, then our hearts are made pure and we are made children of God.

As children of God, we should study His word and grow in Him.

This was all written in John 3:16.
So as an answer to that question, I should answer God, "I have Jesus in my heart".
I never took that bracelet off the whole summer.
That counseling session was the day I first believed. The day I received Christ as my saviour. The day I became a Christian.

I don't remember who my counselors were but whoever you guys are... THANK YOU very much!