Thursday, December 20, 2007

Time to Move

I have a feeling that its time to move to another blog..
I dont know.
I just feel that things are a lot different now from when I started this blog..
I need a fresh start.

Ciao for now.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Merry Christmas?

I'm suddenly feeling sad in the midst of happy days... Maybe its just hormonal imbalances. Watever

Friday, December 14, 2007

What a day!


Saturday, December 08, 2007

Things I've learned in College

1. People are not who they seem they are.
2. God sends you the most unlikely people to teach you a stuff or two about life.
3. In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity. - albert einstein
4. Genuine kindness will always be rewarded.
5. Be the change you want the world to be. - gandhi
6. Never judge someone based on staus or race.
7. Prayers are powerful.
8. You'll never know how a simple encouragement could change someone's life.
9. To be a leader, serve.
10. Character is more important than success.
11. There's a season for everything. - Ecclesiastes 3:1
12. Never ever quit.
13. Love what you do.
14. Never hesitate to make that extra step to achieve your dreams.
15. Sometimes its not about selfishness. Sometimes its called self-worth.
16. Never settle for less.
17. Treat yourself once in a while.
18. Sleep is good.
19. Smile often.
20. Dream big.
21. Drop your fears and keep the faith.
22. Never get tired of doing good. - dr. regalado
People will not remember your grades. They'll remember the simple stuffs you did to make their lives better.
23. Be active.
24. Happiness is a choice.
25. Be cool but never cruel to those uncool.
26. Spend wisely.
27. Never be afraid to be different.
28. Care.
29. Growing up is necessary. Growing old is not.
30. Eat healthily.

I know this

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I'm overwhelmed with so many things.
So many things to do. So many things to think about.

I need the strength and motivation to go on...

"The spirit is willing but the body is weak"

Saturday, November 17, 2007


‘He will yet fill your mouth with laughter...’ Job 8:21 NIV

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to keep your sense of humor. Don’t panic, don’t overreact, and don’t use unnecessary force. If you do people will avoid you. Happy people get more done than their oh-so-serious counterparts. Actually, being joyful can make a total difference to life, how you see it and how people are with you. Would you rather buy something from a stressed-out, angry or nasty salesman, or someone who’s good to be around? Would you rather hang out with someone who’s worrying or moaning or miserable or someone that’ll always cheer you up? ‘A cheerful heart is good medicine…’ (Proverbs 17:22 NIV) However, remember these things when it comes to humor: Make sure your jokes are at no one else’s expense.


It's easier to be frustrated and angry about something bad that has happened than to keep calm. I thank God for this devotional because stress from school and other responsibilities sometimes make me forget that there is Someone greater than our worries. :)

Sunday, September 30, 2007
